Get to know Ms. Kelly!


Tamika Kelly
CP Kids Choir Director


1- What is your role with CP Kids Choir and why are you helping start a new choir for kids?

As a music educator, songwriter, and musician with extensive experience in leading and directing choirs, I am excited about the opportunity to direct the CP Kids Choir. I am passionately committed to nurturing young talents and fostering their love for music.

Helping to start a new choir for children is a way for me to share my knowledge and expertise while also providing a platform for them to explore and develop their musical abilities. Music has the power to inspire, educate, and instill discipline and teamwork, and transform a child's life. A choir becomes a community where kids can express themselves creatively, build confidence, and develop social skills.

Being part of a choir helps children develop a sense of belonging and camaraderie as they work towards a common goal. In addition, by teaching and directing this new choir, I have the opportunity to pass on my passion for music and songwriting to the next generation.

As a leader of the CP Kids Choir, I am dedicated to selecting age-appropriate and engaging repertoire, arranging music, conducting rehearsals, and preparing the group for performances. It's not just about creating a polished performance; it's about instilling a lifelong love for music and singing and providing children with skills and experiences that will benefit them both inside and outside the realm of music.

2- Did you sing as a kid in a choir and if so what was your favorite memory or song from that experience?

My childhood was filled with wonderful singing experiences. I began my journey singing in my church youth choir and the choir at my elementary school. I can still vividly recall my very first solo performance at school, where I sang the timeless classic "Over the Rainbow." Within the church, I was granted the opportunity to perform my first solo, "In the Garden." These moments and other experiences that followed helped to fuel my love for singing and music in general.

I even formed a group with my sisters when I was just 10, and they were aged 5 and 8. We performed at various churches and events around our city. At the age of 12, I was entrusted with the role of the church musician, which allowed me to lead and teach the youth choir. As I progressed through middle school and high school, I continued to be actively involved in my school, city, and church choirs.


Making time for connection

